Stoic Reflections: Proper Action & Self Growth
Musings from Epictetus’ Discourses — Week 14
April 3rd, 2024
That is why philosophers recommend that we shouldn’t be contented merely to learn, but should add practice too, and then training. For over a long period of time, we have got into the habit of doing the opposite of what we have learned, and the opinions that we hold and apply are the opposite of the correct ones. So unless we put the opposite opinions into use, we’ll be nothing more than interpreters of other people’s judgements. For who is there among us at this present time who cannot give a systematic account of what is good and bad?
It isn’t enough to just know. You have to put into practice what you have learned in order to truly master it. Everyone knows the difference between good and evil, everyone understands what are good habits and bad habits, everyone is aware of what the right thing to do is.
However, we still make mistakes, do bad things, and repeat poor behaviour.
Because the act is more important and difficult than understanding. However, once our actions align with our understanding, that’s when real progress can be made. That’s when you realize how much control you have over your life and the direction it’s headed.
So, don’t get lost in learning and debating knowledge. Refine yourself and your understanding through action.
April 6th, 2024
Now what is the calling of a citizen? Never to approach anything with a view to personal advantage, never to deliberate about anything as though detached from the whole, but to act as one’s hand or foot would act if it had the power of reason and could understand the order of nature, and so would never exercise any desire or motive other than by reference to the whole.
How much crossover is there between individual pursuit and the benefit of your community? I believe if you pursue your higher self you will naturally positively affect your environment. The higher self is focused on overcoming personal pain and trauma while chasing struggle and discomfort in order to achieve set goals.
This personal hero’s journey will result in the individual maturing and learning valuable lessons which then can be imparted to others. But, there is this period of self-pursuit. You have blinders on as you get lost in your own world. But once you come out of that, your value to the community is tenfold compared to someone who only does things for the community even if that means not pursuing one’s deepest ambitions.
However, I do agree with not approaching others or your community with the mindset of gaining a personal advantage. That puts you into competition with other people when in reality, you should be competing with yourself. When you compete with others, it can result in negative feelings and attitudes that go against human cooperation.