Stoic Reflections: Self Mastery, Avoiding Labels & Proper Distinctions

Learned Living
3 min readMar 18, 2024


Musings from Epictetus’ Discourses — Week 11

March 12th, 2024

But if you’re constantly hankering after external things, you’re sure to be tested this way and that in accordance with your master’s will. And who is your master? Whoever has authority over anything that you’re anxious to gain or avoid.

If you want a peace of mind, focus inward. If you want an anxiety-riddled mind, focus outward.

The more we care about things outside of our control, the more power we lose over ourselves. This is why Epictetus uses a master and slave analogy. When you become dependent on others or on outside circumstances for your happiness, well-being, self-worth, peace of mind and so on, then you have no control over yourself and your circumstances. This loss of control makes you a slave. You aren’t a master of yourself or your thoughts and emotions.

You gain freedom from this state by turning inward. This way, you come to empower yourself rather than deplete your influence.

March 16th, 2024

But when it comes to ordinary life, what do I do? On one occasion I call something good, and on another I call the same thing bad. For what reason? The opposite of that which applies in the case of syllogisms, namely, ignorance and inexperience.

Outside of the extreme situations that are clearly good or bad like abuse, assault and harassment, most things that happen to us fall in this grey zone. You can never really be sure if that thing is good or bad for you.

It’s like how people who win the lottery end up going broke quickly. You would think that this surplus of money is a good thing but in reality, that money exposes your vices and wants and needs which end up draining you of all your money. Or, it exposes structural problems in your relationships and habits.

However, a hardship on the other hand can be seen as bad but preserving through the struggle can make you a better version of yourself.

Takeaway is that don’t be too rash when it comes to labelling situations. Only the ignorant and inexperienced individuals jump on black-and-white labels such as good or bad. Most situations are in flux. Ever changing. Building upon your past situations and decisions.

March 17th, 2024

And so likewise, my principal task in life is this: to distinguish between things, and establish a division between them and say, ‘External things are not within my power; choice is within my power. Where am I to seek the good and the bad? Within myself, in that which is my own.’ But with regard to what is not my own, never apply the words good or bad, and benefit or harm, and any other word of that kind.

Much of life boils down to how well we make these distinctions. The more I think about it, the causes of my anxiety, stress, low mood and so on are caused by things that aren’t in my control or the misuse of my own actions.

The former is basically irrelevant. Allow those events to pass through you without attaching yourself to them.

The latter is of more value. Nothing affects my mood more than my own actions upon reflection. When I view what I did and the choices I made. Although these would no longer be in my control as they were in the past, there are valuable lessons to be learned.

Rather than worrying about what isn’t in my control, it’s best to use your resources and energies to dissect what you have done and how you plan on improving yourself for future conflicts.

Week 10 Reflections

Originally published at on March 18, 2024.



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