Thoughts and Reflections — Week 1

Learned Living
3 min readJan 8, 2024


Musings from Epictetus’ Discourses

Jan 1st, 2024

“I have given you a portion of myself instead, the power of positive and negative impulse, of desires and aversions — The power, another words, of making good use of impressions.”

All you have control over is your reason and attitude. Almost everything else is out of your control. So, when situations happen and impulses stir, you have the choice of how you’re going to accept it, handle it, and deal with it.

Use what is in your control.

Your impressions are in your control.

Attitude especially can transform your life. Your perception and acceptance of life and its circumstances will determine the quality of your life.

Reason on the other hand can help you pick between the correct way to spend your limited time and the incorrect way. But knowing isn’t enough. Once you know, you have to make it a habit to consistently go down the correct route. No matter how uncomfortable it is initially and remains so. That discomfort is a sign that you made the right choice.

Jan 4th, 2024

“Whatever is rational is tolerable.”

We can rationalize anything, so anything can become tolerable. We can rationalize against something and make it intolerable. For example, for some, it is perfectly rational to wake up at 4 am and go for a run. Hence, the activity is tolerable. For others, that concept is irrational and they cannot tolerate it.

Many can rationalize pleasure seeking activities but others will find the same activities to be soul sucking.

You are likely to do what you rationalize. The power is still in your hands. If you rationalize bad habits, you are more likely to do them. If you rationalize good habits, you are more likely to do them. It’s simple.

The question is what are you willing to tolerate? Can you find the rationale to delay gratification and tolerate discomfort so you can achieve your goals or will you find the rationale of giving up on your goals and tolerating the mediocre life that awaits you?

You have to tolerate something. What will it be? Regret or discomfort?

Jan 7th, 2024

“Since everyone will necessarily treat things in accordance with their beliefs about them, those few who think that they are born of fidelity, respect and confidence in their use of impressions entertain no mean or ignoble thoughts about themselves, while the majority does the opposite.”

The way we view ourselves is extremely important. Our perception can either limit us or allow us to blossom.

This boils down to having an ideal version which we are striving toward. For some, it’s the idealized version of themselves. For others, as Epictetus suggests, is believing we are the sons and daughters of Gods, hence, we should hold ourselves to a high standard.

It’s all about how we funnel our actions, beliefs, attitudes and judgment. With the proper sight, these things can empower us and help us achieve our goals. With improper sight, they will act as burdens and chains and limit us from self-actualizing.

Will you believe that you are meant for great things and thus hold yourself up to a high standard or will you think of yourself as scum and allow your potential to go to waste?

Originally published at on January 8, 2024.



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