Thoughts and Reflections — Week 4
Musings from Epictetus’ Discourses
January 24th, 2024
“Getting an education means learning to bring our will in line with the way things happen — which is to say, as the rules of the universe arranged.”
Acceptance is a core tenant.
There is no point in crying about things that are out of your control. If you harp on them, you give your power to them and remain chained to them.
But if you accept failure, loss, vices, and weaknesses, then you can shift your focus on what you really control which is your reaction and attitude. Instead of failure holding you in place, you can find lessons in it. Instead of beating yourself up for the loss or passing of a loved one, you can focus on cherishing what you have and the people around you.
Your vices and weaknesses are easy ways to give up control of your life and act as if you are fated to be miserable or less than. But you can focus on your virtues so that over time, you can control the trajectory of your life.
A shift in mindset. I accept therefore I can rather than I accept therefore I can’t.
Action and passivity have the same root.
January 25th, 2024
“You are even unluckier for being oblivious to the fact that you have the power of patience to deal with your difficulties. You forget the virtues of character that you have in reserve, just when problems that they can control present themselves, and you could use their help.”
People harp on their fate too much. They complain too much about the things going wrong in their lives. Instead of using the strength they have, they play the victim.
This mindset can become a habit so when circumstances arrive that you can directly influence in order to better your life, you will let that moment go by because you are too busy lamenting about things.
It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
January 28th, 2024
“Nothing important comes into being overnight; even grapes or figs need time to ripen. First, you must allow the tree to flower, then put forth fruit, then you have to wait until the fruit to ripe. So if the fruit of a fig tree is not brought to maturity instantly or in an hour, how do you expect the human mind to come to fruition, so quickly and easily?”
The art of patience.
It’s a lost art. Everyone wants their reward now. This lack of patience can lead to immature reactions, failed pursuits, and even broken relationships.
Patience is one of the core virtues that needs to be trained and mastered in order to achieve what you want out of life. Those who lack patience will give up easily on their goals. These people might not even start out on their goals because they underestimate what they can achieve if they are patient.
Patience is a superpower. If you use it correctly then you can transform yourself and your life. It is also key in human relationships. You need the patience to grow and adjust to others. You need patience to allow others to grow and adjust to you.
Growth is associated with patience. Both work together. You grew because you were patient. You are patient so that you can grow.
Originally published at on January 29, 2024.